About Endgames

What is an endgame?

TLDR: ideal keyboard.

In the mechanical keyboard community an endgame is a combination of several factors to form your ideal keyboard.

These factors include but are not limited to: pcb, switches, plates, layout, keycaps, case materials, weight design, etc. The idea is that you can spend enough time, money and research, to buy, mod, and build the perfect keyboard for you.

The "conflict"

This hobby is filled with lots of talented people who design amazing products. Although we appreciate creativity and innovation, it puts all of us in a tough situation. As enthusiasts, we continue to buy and build, accumulating a collection of endgame keyboards.

Why does endgames.io exist?

Endgames exist to bridge the gap between current and future enthusiasts by creating an archive of keyboards, keycap sets, deskmats, and artisans. This archive allows us to create and showcase your collections. One of the most exciting things about this hobby are the builds we're able to create after group buys are fulfilled.

A lot of time, effort and money is spent to create these builds, so why not share them with the world?

We don't want to be in the way of your growing collection, which is why we allow our members the ability to create on our platform.

Together we can keep the community thriving.

Read the getting started guide