How to Get Started

Creating an account allows you to:

  1. Track and analyze your collection
  2. Create a favorites & wish list
  3. Submit sound tests, comments, group buys & interest checks
  4. Submit missing keyboard, keycap set, artisan or deskmat for others to collect.
  5. Track marketplace listing views in your profile, helpful to know which listings you already viewed.
  6. Report aftermarket sales to endgames which helps us track and inform our users what their items are worth.
  7. Add personal photos of your endgame keyboard, which will be included on the homepage and send a discord notification.
  8. List items for sale and immediately post them to r/mechmarket with a prefilled post.

Make your profile public

A public profile will allow other users to view your collection, sound tests, and items for sale.

Also, as your keyboard collection grows, uploading personal photos will include your keyboard build on the homepage, and notify our discord server.

Join the discord server

The best way to learn about new features, provide feedback, report bugs, and speak with other enthusiasts.

Read the FAQs

We're certain you have a ton of questions. Reading our FAQs is a great way to start, please join the discord server to ask any additional questions.